I en dagsfärsk intervju med Gamesindustry säger Sony Worldwide Studios-chefen Michael Denny att kommande #Heavy Rain enklast kan beskrivas som "ett interaktivt drama som utspelar sig mer i människors huvuden än via handkontrollen".

Looking forward to next year, a game like Heavy Rain, it's trying to do something very new, whether you call that the adventure genre, action adventure, we're calling it interactive drama, and it's about trying to create an emotional connection with the game.

Denny hoppas också att spelet kommer tilltala både inbitna gamers och casual-spelare, eftersom Heavy Rain påstås vara ett vuxet spel innehållandes situationer med riktiga konsekvenser.

We have a hope for that product that both core and casual can get into it. It's a game that when you look about and when you understand it, it's really not played on the control pad, as much as in your head. It's about making choices and consequences, it's not about twitch gaming and how good you are. We feel that the mature nature of the content can appeal to the core and then the consequence-based gameplay can appeal to a newer audience, a more casual audience as well.

Utvecklaren #Quantic Dream har tidigare legat bakom bland annat äventyrsspelet #Fahrenheit, och utvecklar Heavy Rain exklusivt för Playstation 3. Spelet kommer innehålla Quick Time Events-sekvenser samt utlovar en mycket cinematisk upplevelse. Spelet släpps nästa år.